Fire Department Budget Presentation on 6/2017

June 30, 2017

Page #1: View the entire presentation: FY2017-18FireDeptPres-e1

Description of Problem

Rising employee costs and excessive leave time have pushed Muskegon Fire Department personnel costs to an unsustainable level.

Despite many attempts to mitigate this problem over the years, personnel costs have continued to rise.

Without changes, FY 2017-18 MFD personnel costs were estimated to grow to $4.49 Million (base salary, overtime, and fringe benefits).

  • $132,000 total per position
  • $2.19 Million in base salaries
  • $2.29 Million in overtime and fringe benefits.

Lynn Moore also covered this in an article titled “5 Reasons city says Muskegon Fire Department structure is ‘broken’.