Banking Services RFP

October 3, 2014

October 2, 2014

To All Interested Parties:

The City of Muskegon will be conducting interviews for the purpose of selecting a primary depository bank for 2015-2021 and invites your bank to participate. The City uses a wide range of banking services and is committed to implementing new cost-effective bank technologies. It is the City’s desire to select a bank that will provide the best overall value on a long-term relationship basis rather than simply choosing the “low bidder”. Accordingly, in addition to pricing, other factors will be considered including (but not limited to): availability of value-added service enhancements, availability and commitment to implementing new technologies, and financial strength. The process for selecting the City’s depository bank will consist of two components: interviews and pricing proposals. The interview process is by far the more important component. It is fully expected that (subject to reasonable and competitive pricing) the bank coming out on top after the interview process will be the bank selected by the City.

Banking Services Request for Proposal (pdf)